Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Leong Vai Tac, had held a meeting with trade and union representatives to explore more measures to strengthening workplace safety, stressing that the Government attached great importance in industrial safety. Opinions from the industry would help better protect workers, Mr Leong told the association representatives at the 15 April meeting called by Mr Leong in view of several recent fatalities on construction sites. Opinions were shared on issues such as more training for specific and high-risk positions, requirement of holding an occupational safety card to work, increase penalty, and the setting up of an incentive scheme for safety supervisors on the sites. Other issues discussed included strengthening inspections and enforcement, optimise regulations on workplace safety and enhance promotion channels. Mr Leong has asked the Labour Affairs Bureau, Human Resources Office, and Macau Productivity and Technology Transfer Centre to study the opinions and formulate a short-, medium- and long-term plan on such issues. Representatives from Macao Construction Industry General Union, Macao Association of Building Contractors and Developers, Macau Construction Association, Macau Construction Machinery Engineering Association, Macau Institution of Engineers, Macau Engineering Superintendent Association, Macau Construction Safety Association, Macau Occupational Health and Safety Association, and Association of Macau Occupational Safety and Health Professionals, together with consultants from Mr Leong’s office attended the meeting.
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