The Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Leong Vai Tac, has stressed that the Government would stick strictly to its policy of restricting the increase in the number of gaming tables to no more than three per cent annually up to the year 2023. Speaking to reporters on the side lines of a public event on 14 April, Mr Leong said the Government had received a request for increasing gaming tables from a casino operator for a project that is scheduled to open next month. The application is being analysed by the related departments: the result reached in a transparent manner will be announced in due course. On the basis of restricting the increase to no more than three per cent annually, he said the Government would not only consider applications with a single method, but a string of comprehensive assessments. Major factors for the evaluation include competitiveness, non-gaming elements of the project, support to small- and medium- sized enterprises, fulfilment to the goal of turning Macao into a world centre of tourism and leisure, and enhancing the overall tourism attractiveness.