A Government group has chosen two pandas for Macao after a long selection process. The eight-year-old female called “Shurong” and its seven-year-old male partner “Yalin” are expected to arrive in June. According to the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Chan Hoi Fan, who led the co-ordinating group for the selection, an expert team had shortlisted the two best pairs from 55 pandas that met stringent criteria including age, physical and psychological health, behaviour, breeding capabilities and heredity, from Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. The group decided on “Shurong” and “Yalin” after visiting Chengdu. As for Hoi Hoi, which lost its female partner last year, the team suggested that it be returned to Chengdu for further breeding because of his potent fertility. The offer of two more pandas for Macao was announced by President Xi Jinping when he was here for the inauguration ceremony of the new government team last December.
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