The Government is examining functions and structure of all departments in further streamlining the team and raising administrative efficiency, to carry out the Chief Executive’s policy vision in action. This is according to the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Chan Hoi Fan, who said there would be more details announced in the 2015 Policy Address next week. Speaking to reporters on the side-line of a public event on 14 March, Ms Chan said regrouping the leisure and cultural services of the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau was at its final stage, and the Government would begin the work on reforming legal departments and consultative bodies gradually. Optimising service quality and simplifying administrative procedures are of the greatest importance of the consolidation, the Government will make best efforts in ensuring no civil services would be affected. In views of the coming Policy Address, she said the priority of work was on administrative reform, catching-up with the legislation schedule, and consolidation of the legal system. In previous time, Ms Chan has met with representatives of various associations from legal affairs, business and civil servant sector to have better understanding about their opinions and difficulties faced in preparation for the Policy Address for the fiscal year of 2015.