The Government attaches great importance to the development of Macao’s gaming industry, and would continue to enhance gaming regulations in order further to improve Macao’s economic competitiveness. This is according to remarks made by the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Leong Vai Tac, in a meeting with representatives of the city’s six casino operators. Mr Paulo Martins Chan, the new Director of the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau, was also at the meeting, held earlier this month. Mr Leong said the Government would work closely with the sector to overcome challenges relating to the ongoing period of adjustment in the gaming market. In this regard, he said the development of non-gaming elements would further help Macao to diversify its economy. The local economy had maintained a steady course, with the unemployment rate below 2 percent despite the drop in gaming revenue in the past 18 months, Mr Leong stated. The Secretary thanked the gaming operators for their support of the Government’s initiatives; for using local suppliers and locally produced merchandise; and for the industry’s efforts in pressing ahead with non-gaming attractions in integrated resorts. It was the first time Mr Chan had met representatives of the six casino operators in an official capacity since he took his current post. Mr Chan said the Bureau would step up efforts to enable a healthy development of the casino industry and would continue improving gaming regulations. He noted the industry is one of the pillars of Macao’s economy. Representatives of the gaming operators said during the meeting that they agreed with the need to maintain Macao’s competitiveness internationally. They added they would continue to cooperate with the Government in propelling a healthy development of the gaming industry.