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Employment survey for July-September 2015

Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that the unemployment rate for July-September 2015 remained stable as the previous period (June-August), at 1.9%; the underemployment rate was 0.5%, up by 0.1 percentage point. Total labour force was 402,500 and the labour force participation rate stood at 73.2%. Total employment decreased by 200 from June-August, at 394,900. Number of the unemployed was 7,600, up slightly by 100 from June-August; fresh labour force entrants searching for their first job accounted for 14.6% of the total unemployed, down by 3.1 percentage points. With an increase in fresh labour force entrants (+400) looking for their first job during the summer holiday, the general unemployment rate (1.9%) and the unemployment rate of local residents (2.7%) for the third quarter increased by 0.1 and 0.2 percentage points respectively over the previous quarter. Total employment decreased by 3,400 quarter-to-quarter. Analysed by industry, the decline in demand for manpower in the Construction sector compared with the second quarter dragged down the employment in Construction (52,900) by 4,600 quarter-to-quarter, while employment in Education (17,800) increased by 1,800 as more courses were held in summer; meanwhile, employment in Hotels & Similar Activities (29,500) rose by 1,100. Median monthly employment earnings of the employed held stable as the previous quarter, at MOP15,000 in the third quarter, with those engaging in Gaming & Junket Activities and Construction earning MOP19,000 and MOP13,000 respectively. Moreover, median earnings of the employed residents stood at MOP18,000, up by MOP500 quarter-to-quarter.

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