Since the opening of the 29th Macao International Music Festival (MIMF), several remarkable performances have moved audiences. Next week, the Festival presents outstanding Chinese and western music concerts, among which are two consecutive concerts by renowned violinist Gidon Kremer together with the chamber music ensemble Kremerata Baltica, founded by the musician. The concerts Masks and Faces and New Seasons by Gidon Kremer and Kremerata Baltica are hold on 12 and 13 October, respectively, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. Gidon Kremer, also known as the “Devil’s fiddler”, is renowned for his performance of pieces by Ástor Piazolla and has recorded numerous albums. Other extraordinary performances will take the Festival stage, such as the concerts Over the Moon and Washing of the Water by American all-male choir Chanticleer, on 13 and 14 October, respectively, also known as the “Vocal Orchestra”, which will reveal their beautiful voices. In the year that marks the 70th anniversary of the victory in the anti-Japanese resistance war, the 110th anniversary of the birth of Xian Xinghai and the 120th anniversary of the birth of Liu Tianhua, the Macao Chinese Orchestra presents, on 15 October, the Xian Xinghai and Liu Tianhua Commemorative Concert – 70th Anniversary of the Victory in the Anti-Japanese Resistance War, in which the orchestra will perform the pieces The Yellow River, Beautiful Evening, The Galloping of War Horses and Chant of a Leisure Life, among other traditional works. Tickets for several shows are nearly sold out; the members of the audience are advised to purchase their tickets as soon as possible. For more information on the Festival, please check the Cultural Affairs Bureau webpage at www.icm.gov.mo/fimm, or call IC through tel. no. 8399 6699 (during office hour). Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555 (available 24 hours); online reservations at www.macauticket.com.
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