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Results of hotels and similar establishments survey 2014

Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that receipts of the hotel sector amounted to MOP 27.87 billion in 2014, up by 10.2% year-on-year. Analysed by types of receipts, Room Sales increased by 14.3% year-on-year to MOP 13.65 billion, accounting for 49.0% of the total; receipts from Food & Beverages increased by 1.1% to MOP 5.65 billion. Receipts from Rental of Space rose by 18.6% to MOP 5.58 billion, with those for MICE events (MOP 339 million) soaring by 111.1%. A total of 99 hotels and guesthouses were operating in 2014, a decrease of 1 year-on-year, comprising 66 hotels and 33 guesthouses. Total number of persons engaged dropped by 1.1% year-on-year to 39,475, of which 26,089 (66.1%) were working in 11 large-scale hotels having 800 or more persons engaged, down by 8.1%. Analysed by classification of establishments, receipts of five-star hotels (MOP 23.06 billion) were generated from various sources, including Room Sales at MOP 10.82 billion (46.9% of total), Rental of Space at MOP 5.25 billion (22.8%) and Food & Beverages at MOP 4.75 billion (20.6%), up by 14.7%, 18.9% and 0.1% respectively year-on-year. Receipts of four-star hotels increased by 12.7% to MOP 2.73 billion, with Room Sales accounting for a significant share of 66.5%. Moreover, receipts of three-star and two-star hotels rose by 4.8% to MOP 2.03 billion, of which Room Sales captured 47.7% and Other Receipts (such as management fees, sales of products, etc.) shared 30.8%. It is worth noting that online business of the hotel sector saw marked growth, of which receipts from online room reservation and ticketing, etc. surged by 29.4% to MOP 784 million, with the corresponding growth for three-star and two-star hotels reaching 35.2%. Expenditure of the hotel sector increased by 7.9% year-on-year to MOP 23.07 billion; Operating Expenses (MOP 10.49 billion) and Compensation of Employees (MOP 9.59 billion) rose by 3.1% and 17.2% respectively year-on-year, while Purchase of Goods & Commission Paid (MOP 2.99 billion) edged down by 0.9%. Analysed by classification of establishments, Operating Expenses shared the highest proportion of Expenditure of both five-star and four-star hotels, at 45.4% and 50.1% respectively, while Compensation of Employees (48.3% of total) was the largest expense item of three-star and two-star hotels. Meanwhile, Non-operating Expenses such as depreciation of fixed assets and interest paid totalled MOP 7.25 billion, down by 7.7% year-on-year. Gross Value Added that measures the sectoral contribution to the economy rose by 18.1% year-on-year to MOP 14.55 billion. Gross Surplus of the sector (receipts plus changes in inventories less expenditure) amounted to MOP 4.96 billion, up by 20.0%. Owing to an increase in major renovations of establishments in 2014, Gross Fixed Capital Formation grew by 22.0% year-on-year to MOP 2.76 billion.

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