Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that receipts of the hotel sector amounted to MOP 27.87 billion in 2014, up by 10.2% year-on-year. Analysed by types of receipts, Room Sales increased by 14.3% year-on-year to MOP 13.65 billion, accounting for 49.0% of the total; receipts from Food & Beverages increased by 1.1% to MOP 5.65 billion. Receipts from Rental of Space rose by 18.6% to MOP 5.58 billion, with those for MICE events (MOP 339 million) soaring by 111.1%. A total of 99 hotels and guesthouses were operating in 2014, a decrease of 1 year-on-year, comprising 66 hotels and 33 guesthouses. Total number of persons engaged dropped by 1.1% year-on-year to 39,475, of which 26,089 (66.1%) were working in 11 large-scale hotels having 800 or more persons engaged, down by 8.1%. Analysed by classification of establishments, receipts of five-star hotels (MOP 23.06 billion) were generated from various sources, including Room Sales at MOP 10.82 billion (46.9% of total), Rental of Space at MOP 5.25 billion (22.8%) and Food & Beverages at MOP 4.75 billion (20.6%), up by 14.7%, 18.9% and 0.1% respectively year-on-year. Receipts of four-star hotels increased by 12.7% to MOP 2.73 billion, with Room Sales accounting for a significant share of 66.5%. Moreover, receipts of three-star and two-star hotels rose by 4.8% to MOP 2.03 billion, of which Room Sales captured 47.7% and Other Receipts (such as management fees, sales of products, etc.) shared 30.8%. It is worth noting that online business of the hotel sector saw marked growth, of which receipts from online room reservation and ticketing, etc. surged by 29.4% to MOP 784 million, with the corresponding growth for three-star and two-star hotels reaching 35.2%. Expenditure of the hotel sector increased by 7.9% year-on-year to MOP 23.07 billion; Operating Expenses (MOP 10.49 billion) and Compensation of Employees (MOP 9.59 billion) rose by 3.1% and 17.2% respectively year-on-year, while Purchase of Goods & Commission Paid (MOP 2.99 billion) edged down by 0.9%. Analysed by classification of establishments, Operating Expenses shared the highest proportion of Expenditure of both five-star and four-star hotels, at 45.4% and 50.1% respectively, while Compensation of Employees (48.3% of total) was the largest expense item of three-star and two-star hotels. Meanwhile, Non-operating Expenses such as depreciation of fixed assets and interest paid totalled MOP 7.25 billion, down by 7.7% year-on-year. Gross Value Added that measures the sectoral contribution to the economy rose by 18.1% year-on-year to MOP 14.55 billion. Gross Surplus of the sector (receipts plus changes in inventories less expenditure) amounted to MOP 4.96 billion, up by 20.0%. Owing to an increase in major renovations of establishments in 2014, Gross Fixed Capital Formation grew by 22.0% year-on-year to MOP 2.76 billion.