The Government would put more resources on the training of specialists and teachers to meet the need in special education, said the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Mr Tam Chon Weng. He stressed that the Government would strive to serve students better with special needs in education and that the education departments should be well prepared for allocating resources in medium- and long-run. During a visit to a school of special education in Coloane on 6 July, Mr Tam had opportunities to listen to staff members the challenges and difficulties they faced in work. Later the day, Mr Tam visited the plot of land in Seac Pai Van that planned to build a public school with kindergarten and primary education, a vocational education centre, and a centre for language training. The Government would step up its administrative procedures and construction process to meet the demand of residents in the Seac Pai Van public housing. He disclosed that part of facilities would be opened to the community, such as basketball court, library, and indoor areas for recreation. The Government would study the future population of Coloane and the need in education. Officials who accompanied Mr Wong on his visit included Chief of Office of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Mr Lai Ieng Kit; Director of the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Ms Leong Lai; and consultants from Mr Tam’s office.
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