Invited by the Centre of Permanent Education of Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Consumer Council held several public lectures to those who participated in the ‘Continuing Education Development Programme’. The Council hopes to enhance consumers’ awareness and ability and self-protection regarding their own consume rights. The public lectures held by the Council for the Centre of Permanent Education include ‘Introduction to consumer rights and services of Consumer Council’ and other topics. Participants agreed that the information was useful and applicable in daily lives, and let them know more about their own consumer rights and obligations. To strengthen residents’ awareness in their own consumer rights and beware of consumer traps, Consumer Council organize public lectures to promote consumer education. Twenty-five lectures have been held by the Council for the hearing impaired, women, and elderly, serving over 1,300 persons and covered different topics on consumer rights. The Council welcomes different organizations and schools to arrange lectures, for appointment, please call 8988 9315.