Cultural heritage is a valuable cultural resource of the city. In order to strengthen the educational promotion of cultural heritage and optimize the website’s service, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) launched a new cultural heritage webpage today, 31 October. This new webpage is based on a user-friendly design concept, focusing on the release of cultural heritage’s information and activities, hoping to build an online communication bridge for enhancing the public’s awareness to the protection of cultural heritage. The “Cultural Heritage” webpage (www.culturalheritage.mo) will replace the Macau heritage webpage (www.macauheritage.net), the former becoming a platform for the release and update of IC’s information on cultural heritage. The webpage covers classified immovable heritage and intangible cultural heritage, offering not only daily news but also the relative legislation, guidelines and public consultation information, among others. Likewise, the “Macau World Heritage” page (www.wh.mo) also has a new version, keeping its URL unchanged, featuring the functions of releasing news related to the world-heritage classified “Historic Centre of Macao” and promoting education about the latter. Both above-mentioned Webpages are available in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Portuguese and English, respectively. The new WebPages are compatible with the browsing functions of electronic products such as mobile phones and tablets, and the new page layout and design interface is based on a user-friendly design concept. While improving its security, availability and compatibility, the page makes it easy to search for latest news about cultural heritage, and provides links to thematic websites such as the Mandarin’s House, the Lou Kau Mansion and the Dom Pedro V Theatre, among others, providing clear indications on using various services and applications as well as promotional videos about cultural heritage. IC will continue to improve the site functions and information, and actively develop all kinds of communication channels in order to strengthen even further the public’s knowledge on Macao’s cultural heritage and, thereby, protect Macao’s cultural heritage in collaboration with all local social sectors.
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