The Identification Services Bureau introduces self-service kiosks for Certificate of Personal Data application on 17 October 2016. Electronic Macao SAR Resident Identity Card holders who are aged 18 or above can now submit their application for the Certificate of Personal Data on their own with the self-service kiosks during office hours at the Identification Services Bureau located at the China Plaza in “Avenida de Praia Grande”. The self-service application procedures of Certificate of Personal Data are simple. Applicants do not need to obtain a number tag in advance of using the self-service kiosk, they only need to go through the application process as instructed. For instance, they have to verify their fingerprint, scan their identity card, select the items to be listed on the certificate and then sign on the digital signature pad (the signature should be identical to that on the identity card). After that, the applicants have to present the payment slip to the service counter and pay the application fee to complete the entire application process. In addition, the applicants will receive an SMS when the certificate is ready for collection if they can provide a local mobile phone number at the time of application. The abovementioned self-service for Certificate of Personal Data application is not applicable to persons who are renewing their Macao SAR Resident Identity Cards and persons who need to apply for the certificate of kinship, the certificate of having no children in Macao, the certificate of document authentication or the certificate for proving other identification documents which had ever been held or submitted by the applicants. In order to improve the service quality continuously, the Identification Services Bureau welcomes citizens to provide their valuable comments concerning the self-service kiosks. The Identification Services Bureau will keep on studying the possibility of introducing more convenient electronic services.
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