The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, met the Prime Minister of the Portuguese Republic, Mr António Costa, to exchange views on matters relating to Macao’s role in connecting China and Portuguese-speaking countries. During the meeting at Santa Sancha on Wednesday (12 October), Mr Chui extended his warm greeting to Mr Costa, who had been leading a Portuguese delegation to Macao for the 5th Ministerial Conference of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), also known as Forum Macao. Mr Chui said his most recent visit to Portugal in September had been fruitful. He added it was a basis for the SAR Government to dedicate further effort to strengthening ties with Portugal. Premier Li Keqiang had given clear direction – while he was in Macao this week – that the city would make further use of its unique connecting and platform roles, said Mr Chui. He noted Premier Li had also said Macao would take further steps to enhance its strategic position, enabling it to become a world centre of tourism and leisure, and a commercial and trade cooperation service platform between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries (collectively known as “Centre and Platform” policies). Mr Chui said he believed that, under the guidance of the Central Government, Macao would further develop shared platforms and establish further multilateral cooperation mechanisms, in order to facilitate jointly the development of the mainland, the Portuguese-speaking countries and the Macao SAR. Mr Costa said he was pleased to be in Macao, and to meet the Chief Executive. He said Macao had been playing an important role in boosting trade and cooperation between China and the Portuguese-speaking countries. Portugal paid great attention to Sino-Portuguese relations, and to its links with Macao, said Mr Costa. He stated he looked forward to expanding the existing cooperation with Macao on education, training and judicial matters; and expanding collaboration to include other fields. The Chief Executive added that Macao and Portugal had developed a profound and friendly cooperation over the years: continuing this bilateral effort would surely also advance the development of China and of Portuguese-speaking countries. Officials representing the Portuguese Republic at the meeting included: the Minister of Economy, Mr Manuel Caldeira Cabral; the Portuguese Ambassador to China, Mr Jorge Torres Pereira; the Secretary of State of Internationalization, Mr Jorge Costa Oliveira; the Secretary of State of Industry, Mr João Vasconcelos; the Head of Cabinet of the Prime Minister, Ms Rita Faden; and the Consul-General of Portugal in Macao and Hong Kong, Mr Vítor Sereno. Officials representing the SAR Government included: the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Chan Hoi Fan; the Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Leong Vai Tac; the Secretary for Security, Mr Wong Sio Chak; the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Mr Tam Chon Weng; the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Raimundo Arrais do Rosario; the Chief-of-Office of the Chief Executive’s Office, Ms O Lam; the Director of the Government Information Bureau, Mr Chan Chi Ping; the Director of the Protocol, Public Relations and External Affairs Office, Mr Fung Sio Weng; and the Director of the Macao Economic and Trade Office in Lisbon, Ms O Tin Lin.