Several research teams from the University of Macau (UM) received half of the prizes at the 2016 Macao Science and Technology Awards. 13 doctoral students and five master’s students from UM received the Postgraduate Science and Technology Research and Development Award. UM received nine out of the 18 prizes, including three second prizes and three third prizes in the Natural Science Award, as well as one second prize and two third prizes in the Technological Invention Award category. The evaluation committee conducted strict evaluation of 39 projects in accordance with the Regulations on Awards for the Development of Science and Technology. After a voting process, the evaluation committee suggested that 18 prizes be awarded this year, including 8 prizes in the Natural Science Award category, 6 prizes in the Technological Invention Award category, and 4 prizes in the Science and Technology Progress Award category. UM recipients of the Macao Science and Technology Awards and their projects (Attachment) UM recipients of the Postgraduate Science and Technology Research and Development Award include doctoral students Cheong Kit Leong, Yu Weihan, Ren Change, Lei Ka Meng, Wu Dingtao, Nan Wenya, Zhang Tong, Zhang Xiaojing, Zhao Jing, Liu Licheng, Lao Keng Weng, Cheang Chak Fong, and Zhong Haijing; and master’s students Wang Lu, Qi Liang, Chen Huanxian, Zeng Wenliang, and Cai Yuee.