Organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the “Artworks of the Winners of New Talent Prize of the XXXI Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists - Chan Chong Hei, Un Lok I and Cheong Kit Pan” was inaugurated on 6th September, at 6pm, at the Sir Ho Yin Gallery of the Clube Militar de Macau for the general public, featuring 33 works by the three New Talent Prize winners. The opening ceremony was officiated by the Representative of the President of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Head of the Department of Exhibitions and Museums, Lei Lai Kio; the Director of the School of Arts of the Macao Polytechnic Institute, Hsu Hsiu-Chu; the Director of the Affiliated School of the University of Macau, Lou Lan Heng; the Director of Hou Kong Middle School, Iao Tun Ieong; and three New Talent Prize winners. Chan Chong Hei started learning Chinese painting at the age of nine. Encouraged by his instructor, he participated in the Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists with the work “Hard work on Painting”. This awarded work will be showcased along with ten of his newly created landscape paintings in the exhibition. Un Lok I, the New Talent Prize winner in the Western Painting category, is keen on technical pen drawing. She loves reading books about muscle structure, and her paintings are largely about the human body and fantasised patterns of different types, demonstrating her high sensibility and creative imagination. Cheong Kit Pan has been learning Chinese Calligraphy for 13 years and is always diligent in perfecting his techniques by imitating different styles of handwriting. He won the New Talent Prize in Chinese Calligraphy twice. His works will be again showcased in this exhibition. “Artworks of the Winners of New Talent Prize of the XXXI Collective Exhibition of Macao Artists - Chan Chong Hei, Un Lok I and Cheong Kit Pan” is held from 7th to 28th September at the Sir Ho Yin Gallery at the Clube Militar de Macau, located at No. 975, Avenida da Praia Grande, and is open from 11 am to 7pm (including public holidays). Admission is free. For enquiries, please call IC through tel. no. 8988 4100 during office hours.
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