A total of 270 contestants have submitted their works for the “Precious Moments in Macao” 2016 Photography Competition, which is co-organised by the Government Information Bureau together with eight photographic organisations and five media associations. Out of a total of 1,144 entries, 62 winning entries have been picked after professional evaluation. The judging was held on 26 June. The 13-member judging panel comprises one representative from the Photographic Society of Macao; the Photography Salon Society of Macao; the Macao Association for the Promotion of Photographic Art; the Macao Multimedia Photographic Art Association; the Macao Association of Photographic Art; the Macau Camera Lens Art Association; the Macao Digital Photography Association; the Macao Media Workers Association; the Macao Journalists’ Club; the Macao Journalists’ Association; the Macao Media Club; the Macau Sports Press Association; and the Government Information Bureau, respectively. This year’s competition has continued to use an online portal for the submission of entries. During the submission period between 17 May and 7 June, a total of 1,144 entries from 270 contestants were submitted. These entries reflect changes in Macao’s skyline and precious moments in the lives of Macao residents. After three rounds of evaluation by the 13-member judging panel, the following 52 winning entries have been selected: First Prize: KU SOI LAN; Title of Work: Passing the baton Second Prize: WU YISHENG; Title of Work: Colourful clouds over the peninsula Third Prize: LAM SAO WA; Title of Work: NAPE in the evening Winners of the 49 merit prizes are as follows (in no particular order): AU IEONG CHENG (Rejoicing) AU IEONG KIN IOK (Friendship) CHAN CHI HONG (Family fun) CHAN WENG KIN (Dancing in the breeze) CHAN WENG KIN (Macao’s fishing port) CHING CHUN KEUNG (Superstar of the sea) CHING CHUN KEUNG (Procession of Our Lady of Fatima) CHING CHUN KEUNG (Superstar Duckie) CHOI IM FAN (Macao at night) MARIA LEONOR FERNANDES DO ROSARIO (Kun Iam statue) HO CHON IN (Moon-lit Macao) HO HOI SAN (City wrapped in fogs) HO KAWUN (Kiss) KOK WENG LON (Selfie under the neon lights) KOU WAI IN (X’mas snow globe) LAM KOK KUN (Fairytale dream) LAM KOK KUN (Young fans of Rubber Duck) LAM KOK KUN (Capturing a moment of joy) LAM SIO HONG (Keeping Macao clean) LAO FONG MENG (Fireworks extravaganza) LEI HEONG IEONG (Goddess of Mercy descending on earth) LEI HEONG IEONG (Sunrise) LEI HEONG IEONG (Lighting up the sky on the 3rd day of the lunar new year) LEI KENG HONG (Sunrise over the Macao Science Center) LEI SON PONG (Rubber Duck in Macao) LEI SON PONG (Moon under the Friendship Bridge) LEONG IM KAI (Waterfront in the morning) LEONG IM KAI (Dancing dragon) LI SIN (Latin parade) LI SIN (Long Chao Kok at daydreak) LOK WAI KEONG (Overcoming the hurdle together) LOU CHON MAN (Cotai Strip) NGAI HANG (Colourful) PUN KIN WA (Splash of colour) PUN TAK CHEONG (Photograghing fireworks show) PUN TAK CHEONG (Night of Latin parade) SIO CHOI LENG (Sai Van Bridge in the evening) SIO CHOI LENG (Good morning Macao) SIO CHOI LENG (Fish’s eyeview of Macao) SO TAK VO (Panoramic view of Macao Science Center) SOU SU FU (Dawn) TANG CHAN SENG (Golden dragon) TANG CHAN SENG (Happy moment) TANG CHAN SENG (Children’s rugby match) VONG CHENG IENG (Water polo tournament) WAN WAI SAI (Enchanting shadows) WONG SI CHAN (Coati Strip in the evening) WONG WAI ION (St Paul’s Ruins on a raining evening) WU SAI CHEONG (Big festival in a small city) Winners of the first, second and third prizes will get a cash prize of MOP8,000, MOP5,000 and MOP3,000 respectively in addition to a trophy while winners of the merit prizes will each get a cash prize of MOP500 and a certificate. In addition the theme of this year’s special feature prize is “Our Waters”. Winners will each get a cash prize of MOP1,000. The 12 winners of the special feature prize are as follows (in no particular order): CHAN MENG KAI (Nice summer day) CHAN WENG KIN (Macao’s fishing port) (also winner of merit prize) CHONG IO SANG (Macao’s land and waters) MARIA FERREIRA SIN (Sailing upwind) MARIA FERREIRA SIN (Inner Harbour) KOK KAM FAI (Keeping guard) LAM SAO WA (Aerial view of Macao) LAM SIO HONG (Keeping Macao clean) (also winner of merit prize) LAU WENG CHONG (Capturing daybreak) LEI CHI FAN (Water surfing) LEI SON PONG (Fishing moratorium) NG HOI KEI (Macao’s waters) All winning entries can be viewed on the website: http://photo.gcs.gov.mo.
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