The 16th Macao City Fringe Festival, organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), will be held in January next year. Call for proposals of programmes is now open. IC invites all local associations registered at the Identification Services Bureau and artistic practitioners to submit proposals of programmes until 26 August 2016. Macao City Fringe Festival has adopted the slogan “All around the city, our stages, our patrons, our artists” over the years and has become a distinctive event with innovative performances derived from the abstract concepts by artists from local and different parts of the world presented in streets and lanes of the city. This edition’s Macao City Fringe Festival will use this creative concept again and develop more channels and exchange platforms for local artists, producers and artistic practitioners to participate in the event. Call for proposals of programmes of this edition’s Macao City Fringe Festival is now open. The programmes can be local, overseas works or cross-regional collaborations produced in any art form. Artists are encouraged to transform their audacious ideas into concrete programme proposals. In addition, this edition’s Macao City Fringe Festival will have interactive sessions such as Programme Showcase, to allow foreign artists to have better understanding about the current art development in Macao, thereby enhancing the possibility of collaboration between local and overseas artists. Interested local associations registered at the Identification Services Bureau and artistic practitioners should submit application forms and relevant documents during office hours (including lunch hours) by 26 August 2016 to the Cultural Affairs Bureau Building located at Tap Siac Square, indicating the following on the envelope: “Attn: Division of Performing Arts, Cultural Affairs Bureau, Call for Proposals of Programmes for the 16th Macao City Fringe Festival”. The regulations and application form of proposals of programmes are available to download at the IC website (www.icm.gov.mo). For enquiries, please contact staff members of IC Ms. Chau through tel. no. (853) 8399 6601 or email MargaridaChau@icm.gov.mo; or Ms. Tong through tel. no. (853) 8399 6608 or email pitong@icm.gov.mo during office hours.