Ground and preparatory foundation works for the Islands District Medical Complex have already begun; meanwhile, the Government was finalising revisions regarding the blueprints and tenders for the different parts of the complex. The Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Raimundo do Rosário, made the comments on Wednesday (29 June) after a meeting – at the Legislative Assembly – with the Follow-up Committee for Land and Public Concession Affairs. Mr Rosário said it had been proposed that the Islands District Medical Complex would comprise seven buildings: there were two development phases – each featuring a different design project – for each individual building, and these would require the scrutiny of more than 10 bodies, including public departments and other parties involved in the Islands District Medical Complex project. As of the present time, some of the design proposals had twice been subject to revisions. It was difficult to estimate how many revisions in total each design proposal would need, as the Islands District Medical Complex was a relatively complicated facility, he added. So far, preparatory foundation works had been completed for two of the seven structures, Mr Rosário stated. The Government expected that the Islands District Medical Complex would not be completed by 2019, as there was a large number of issues to consider, including: revisions to design proposals; the defining of the various construction works that would be required for each structure; and the respective construction tendering processes.