Macao Polytechnic Institute successfully held its Graduation Ceremony for the academic year 2015-2016, witnessing over 600 graduates being conferred their bachelor degrees or senior college diplomas. The ceremony was officiated by the Chief Executive of Macao Dr. Chui Sai On, who reiterated the SAR government’s steadfast commitment to prioritizing policies for education development, and implementing the strategies of “Education-driven Prosperity for Macao” and “Building Macao by Capable Talents” in its imminent Five-Year Strategic Plan. A pledge was also made by the government to reform its Regulation on Higher Education, and to speed up investments in mobilizing resources for higher education, with a view to nurturing talents with multiple capabilities for the moderate adjustment of the local economy towards diversification. The Graduation Ceremony was held in the afternoon of 28 June at the Sports Pavilion of Macao Polytechnic Institute. Distinguished guests attending the ceremony included, among others, the Chief Executive Dr. Chui Sai On, the Secretary of Social Affairs and Culture Mr. Tam Chon Weng, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central Government, Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pan Yun Dong, the Vice President and other members of the Legislative Council, members of the Macao Polytechnic Institute Consultancy Committee, representatives from government agencies and corporate organizations, principals of secondary schools, etc. Many graduates’ parents and relatives also attended and witnessed the ceremony, adding further joy to the whole event. The Chief Executive Dr. Chui Sai On pointed out in his speech delivered at the Graduation Ceremony that education provides a strong guarantee for buttressing Macao’s overall social competitiveness and improving the living standard of its residents. According to the CE, the SAR government has set out to establish a sustained and effective mechanism for executing multiple measures aimed at bolstering its education development and nurturing of talents, such as providing policy support, increasing investment in resources, and reforming education systems and mechanisms. In the tertiary education sector, the SAR government is resolute in pressing ahead with a long-term strategic plan that includes reforming its Regulation on Higher Education and relevant laws and stipulations, injecting new investment into higher education, optimizing the teaching environment and facilities, and supporting teacher training to establish a team of high-caliber teaching staff, with the ultimate goal of improving the overall quality of higher education in Macao. The government intends to integrate favorable policies and incentive measures designed to encourage local residents to receive higher education, with a view to producing talents with multiple capabilities so as to steer Macao’s local economy towards moderate diversification. Meanwhile, the SAR government fully embraces MPI’s endeavors to capitalize on its unique features and leverage its competitive advantage, as well as its proactive initiatives, by inviting local and overseas education quality assurance agencies to conduct academic accreditation reviews. It applauds MPI’s timely adoption of effective measures that fulfill its three social functions of enhancing teaching and research as well as serving the community, thus making its unique contributions to deepening the utilization of Macao’s human resources and broadening its talents pool. The Chief Executive ended his speech by calling upon MPI graduates to put what they have learned from MPI into practice, and to make contributions to Macao as a means to realize their ultimate dreams in life. The President of MPI Professor Lei Heong Iok stated in his speech at the ceremony that Macao Polytechnic Institute has actually witnessed over 16,000 students graduating from its degree programs in the last 17 years. So far, Macao Polytechnic Institute has become the very first tertiary institution in Asia to have obtained the authoritative accreditation from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in the U.K. MPI also boasts a strong competitive advantage and wide-reaching influence with its expertise in gaming teaching and research, as well as Portuguese teaching and research; and it has retained the top rank for many consecutive years as the most popular tertiary institution voted by graduating senior high school students for university enrollment choice. Over 90% of employers have expressed their satisfaction with MPI graduates. All these remarkable achievements are believed to be attributable to MPI’s firm determination to advance with changing times and its unceasing quest for innovation since the handover of Macao, augmented by the gracious support from relevant SAR government bodies and the general public. President Lei Heong Iok further emphasized that, history has bestowed onto our shoulders some honorable and solemn missions, including fully embracing the innovative spirit to adapt to the dynamically changing social, economic and political scenarios in alignment with policy implementation from the SAR government. In keeping with this spirit, MPI endeavors to work in concerted efforts with relevant sectors in the community to contribute to building a brighter future for Macao. The student representative of graduates Lio U Sam gave a speech that featured such themes as “Provoking thinking and broadening perspectives; student-centered teaching and warm-heartedness; a grateful heart and a colorful life; appreciation of thanks and heartfelt congratulations”. She shared with the audience the great benefits she had enjoyed from MPI in the past four years, as well as her first-hand experience with MPI’s top-down execution of the ‘student-centered’ teaching philosophy, which has transformed the MPI community into a warm and cozy family. Speaking on behalf of all graduates, she also thanked MPI for its care and nurturing, vowing to embark on future endeavors with a grateful heart, and to work at her best towards making contributions to social progress in Macao. Macao Polytechnic Institute Office of Public Relations
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