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28th Macao Arts Festival Call for Proposals of Local Performances

The 28th Macao Arts Festival (MAF), organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), will be held next year in May. In order to promote the development of local arts, IC invites all registered local associations and individuals to submit proposals of local performances until 26 August. The selected works will be included in next year’s MAF programme. The theme of the 28th Macao Arts Festival will be “Space”. All registered local associations and individuals are invited to submit their performance proposals. Programmes’ categories include theatre, dance, children’s shows, and other disciplines. The proposed projects can be original works or works that have been previously staged. Additionally, in order to strengthen the ties between the theme of the 28th MAF and Macao, priority will be given to works in tandem with the theme of the 28th MAF, or those based on locally originated texts or artistic concepts, or works inspired by Macao’s intangible cultural heritage or traditional Chinese performing arts. Interested local associations and individuals should submit registration form and performance proposal including the artistic concept and introduction to the performance, a brief introduction of the team members, budget, set design plan and equipment requirements, as well as other additional information regarding the project. Application Information should be submitted in person by 5:30pm on 26 August to the Cultural Affairs Bureau Building located at Tap Siac Square, indicating the following on the envelope: “Attn: Division of Performing Arts, Cultural Affairs Bureau, Call for Proposals of Local Performances for the 28th Macao Arts Festival” During the selection process, applicants may be required to attend an interview. For details on the application regulations, please visit the Cultural Affairs Bureau website at or contact staff members of IC Mr. Chong through tel. no. 8399 6624 or email or Mr. Lou through tel. no. 8399 6625 or email, during office hours.

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