The Identification Services Bureau has received confirmation from other countries or regions that holders of the Macao SAR Passport can get access to the relevant countries or regions by means of e-visa. The Identification Services Bureau has finished collating and organizing the relevant information. At present, a total of 9 countries (i.e. Australia, Cambodia, Canada, Colombia, Gabon, India, Kenya, Myanmar and Zambia) have confirmed that holders of the Macao SAR Passport can enter their countries or regions with e-visa. For the information of countries or regions where holders of Macao SAR Passport can get access to by means of e-visa and the relevant formalities of e-visa applications, citizens can visit the website of the Identification Services Bureau (www.dsi.gov.mo/download/E_visa_e.pdf). Online application for e-visa is time-saving. It makes citizens no longer need to pay a visit to the nearby embassies or consulates in person for applying for visas. The Identification Services Bureau will continue to actively promote Macao SAR travel documents, so as to bring greater convenience to citizens travelling abroad.