To enhance transparency of the food market, Consumer Council (or other bodies) started collecting price data of fresh pork and vegetables from wet markets and supermarkets in the second quarter. Collected data are used for comparing the selling prices of the same products from Zhuhai and Hong Kong. For the implementation of Section 2b), Article 10, Law 4/95/M of 12 June, Consumer Council continues its price survey work and expands its work scope according to society’s development and needs. Consumer Council currently conducts specific price surveys on 10 kinds of daily necessities and added fresh pork and vegetables in the second quarter. Prices of fresh pork and vegetables, including those from all local wet markets and supermarket chains, are collected, and average prices of these two kinds of fresh foods are published weekly. The Council also compares the collected data with the weekly average prices of fresh pork and vegetables from Zhuhai and Hong Kong, and the data is available on the Council’s website. The Council states that the price reports on 10 parts of fresh pork and 5 kinds of vegetables enhance transparency of the food market and the comparison on prices of the 3 regions allows relevant departments and consumers to analyze and review on the price level of local fresh foods. The specific price survey on fresh pork is available every Tuesday on the Council’s website (, iPhone & Android ‘Supermarket Price Information Platform’ app, and the Council’s WeChat Account page. The price comparison reports on fresh pork and vegetables are also available on the Council’s website every Tuesday. The mentioned reports have been uploaded to the relevant platforms on 31st May. For enquiry, please call 8988 9315.