The 27th Macao Arts Festival (MAF), organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, carries on this week with excellent theatre and music performances produced by local and foreign groups. The Festival will soon draw to a grand close with Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth. Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s most renowned tragedies. This version of the play is produced by South African company Third World Bunfight, is a radical take on Verdi’s opera Macbeth. The play explores a vision of the world through a post-colonial African scenery and the historical and current relations between Africa and the West. Verdi’s score has been rewritten and adapted by Belgium composer, Fabrizio Cassol, and is performed by renowned trans-Balkan “No Borders Orchestra” at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium on 28 and 29 May. This is a performance not to be missed. On the other hand, the staged concert Coppia is the result of a partnership between Manuela Azevedo, the vocalist of renowned Portuguese pop music group Clã, Hélder Gonçalves, the musical director of the concert, and Victor Hugo Pontes, who is responsible for the direction and set design, presenting an amazing journey in which dance and music play in a tennis court. The concert will be held on 27 and 28 May at the Sands Theatre, Sands® Macao and the concert venue is sponsored by SandsMacao. The play Someone in “Outlaws of the Marsh” to be held on 27 and 28 May at the Macao Cultural Centre Small Auditorium, features elements of Cantonese Opera and the blending of Chinese and Western styles. This modern comedy tells a story omitted by the original version of Outlaws of the Marsh and is a sequel about two officials ranked as the 109th and 110th heroes. Only a few tickets are available for the abovementioned performances and those interested should purchase their tickets as soon as possible. For more information on the 27th Macao Arts Festival, please visit the respective webpage at www.icm.gov.mo/fam, or follow MAF’s page on Facebook or subscribe to IC’s WeChat account. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555.
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