The Cinematheque.Passion under the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) will host a second talk this year entitled “How film festivals are organised”, conducted by Hong Kong professional filmmaker Jonathan Hung, to be held on Saturday, 27 February, from 3 to 5pm. Admission is free. Hong Kong critic and filmmaker Jonathan Hung, who has years of experience in film festival organisation, will discuss with the audience how to design, plan and organise film festivals with distinctive character. Topics of the talk include criteria for film selection, programme planning, film renting, screening venues, ticketing, promotion and education. Hung is currently director of InD Blue (Hong Kong) and InDPanda International Film Festival. He has started writing film and theatre critique in several newspapers, magazines and columns since 1997. He was a development manager at the Film and Video Department of the Hong Kong Arts Centre and participated in ifva Festival and the release of independent films in Asia. Seats are limited. All interested parties are welcome to enrol in the above-mentioned talk via email (info.dpicc@icm.gov.mo) indicating as subject ‘Enrolment for the talk “How film festivals are organised”’, as well as providing respective name, contact number and contact email, by 26 February (Friday) at 12pm. For enquiries regarding the talk or the Cinematheque, please contact Mr. Leong though tel. no. (853) 2892 4040 during office hours. For details, please visit the Cultural Affairs Bureau website (www.icm.gov.mo) or the Macao Cultural and Creative Industries Website (www.macaucci.com).