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Company statistics for the 4th quarter 2015

Information from the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) indicated that number of new incorporations registered continuous decline. In the fourth quarter of 2015, a total of 1,048 new companies were incorporated, down by 406 year-on-year; total value of registered capital increased by 32.2% to MOP412 million. As the government launched a public tender of special license taxis, a number of companies operating in taxi services were established in the fourth quarter of last year, leading to a 629.3% year-on-year surge in the value of registered capital of Transport, Storage & Communications. Meanwhile, companies in dissolution totalled 171, and the value of registered capital of companies in dissolution amounted to MOP27 million. In the fourth quarter of 2015, capital of the new companies came mainly from Macao (MOP199 million) and Portugal (MOP161 million). Capital from Mainland China amounted to MOP16 million, including MOP8 million from the 9 Provinces of the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region, with Guangdong province sharing MOP7 million. Analysed by combination of the shareholders, there were 690 new companies established solely by Macao shareholders, and 127 joint ventures between shareholders from Macao and other countries or territories. For the whole year of 2015, a total of 5,023 new companies were incorporated, a decrease of 386 year-on-year; total value of registered capital dropped by 28.8% to MOP1.3 billion. Analysed by industry, there were 1,804 new incorporations operating in Wholesale & Retail and 1,239 in Business Services, with the value of registered capital amounting to MOP226 million and MOP403 million. Number of companies in dissolution totalled 595 in 2015, and the value of registered capital of companies in dissolution amounted to MOP190 million. Analysed by size of registered capital, there were 3,502 new companies (69.7% of total) registered with capital under MOP50,000, and the total value of capital was MOP92 million (7.0% of total). Meanwhile, there were 108 new companies registered with capital of MOP1,000,000 or over, and the total value of capital amounted to MOP1 billion. At the end of 2015, number of registered companies increased by 4,431 year-on-year to 53,057, including 472 commercial offshore companies, down by 8 year-on-year.

All information on this site is based on the official language of the Macao Special Administrative Region. The English version is the translation from the Chinese originals and is provided for reference only. If you find that some of the contents do not have an English version, please refer to the Traditional Chinese or Portuguese versions.