The Secretary for Economy and Finance, Mr Leong Vai Tac, said he was paying close attention to the issues raised in a recent report by the Commission of Audit and the suggestions the Commission had made the report’s findings. Mr Leong made the comments on Thursday (21 January) after a plenary session of the Legislative Assembly. His remarks relate to a Commission of Audit report issued on Thursday. It includes suggestions to public administration departments for the improvement of their procedures for contracting outsourced services. The Secretary said he had directed departments under his portfolio to pay special attention to the suggestions raised in the audit report, particularly the parts related to the procedures of contracting outsourced labour services. He also ordered the departments to follow closely the legislation for the acquisition of such services. Mr Leong additionally said the Financial Services Bureau would take into account the suggestions of the audit report when preparing the report summarising execution of the budget proposals of all departments. The Bureau is responsible for submitting to the Commission of Audit an annual report on the Macao SAR Government’s budget and budget execution.