The Cinematheque.Passion under the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) has entered the second phase of experimental operation. Apart from the “Temporary Venue Booking Programme of Cinematheque.Passion” which is open for the application by members of the film industry, filmmakers and film associations, IC will hold a series of film-themed talks starting from this month. Talks are open to the public with free admission. The Cinematheque will hold the first talk entitled “Film X Critique X Audience: A Film’s Triangular Relationships” on Saturday, 30 January, from 3pm to 5pm. Hong Kong film critic, Joyce Yang, will talk about topics such as “What is film critique?”, “Why is there a need for film critique?”, “Why audiences need film critiques?” and “The role of a critic”. Joyce Yang, an active film critic in Hong Kong and member of Hong Kong Film Critics Society, has been a planner and curator of Critic’s Choice. She also published critiques on HKinema, City Magazine and Hong Kong Film, and was an instructor in the film critique workshop “Film Critics” and the Educators Workshop of “Hong Kong International Film Festival”. Other upcoming talks feature a variety of topics, including the planning and coordination of a film festival, film marketing, film editing, cinematic sound effect, film arts, film costumes and film directing, in hope of familiarising the participants with the film industry. More details will be announced soon. Limited seats are available. All interested parties are welcome to enroll in the above-mentioned talk via email (info.dpicc@icm.gov.mo) indicating as subject ‘Enrollment for the talk “Film X Critique X Audience: A Film’s Triangular Relationships”’, as well as providing name, contact number and contact email, by 29 January 2016 at 12:00pm. For enquiries regarding the talk or the Cinematheque, please contact Mr. Leong though tel. no. (853) 2892 4040 during office hours. For details, please visit the Cultural Affairs Bureau website (www.icm.gov.mo) or the Macao Cultural and Creative Industries Website (www.macaucci.com).