The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) will soon launch the 2016 Subsidy Programme for the Production of Original Song Albums. Each album will be granted a subsidy of up to MOP210,000. The subsidy will be given to a maximum of eight beneficiaries and the application period is open from 5 January to 4 March 2016. As part of the Subsidy Programme Series for Macao’s Cultural and Creative Industries, the Subsidy Programme for the Production of Original Song Albums was launched in 2014. The Programme aims to cultivate more talented local music creators and producers and promote the development of Macao’s music industry. By giving support on the production and promotion of the original song albums, IC hopes to encourage musicians to produce and release more outstanding works and lay the groundwork for market development. Applicants for the Subsidy Programme must hold a valid Macao S.A.R. Permanent Resident Identity Card and be aged 18 or above. They must assume the role of album producer of the project on behalf of individuals, co-producers or groups, being the person-in-charge of the project and supervisor of the album. In addition, applicants must produce a specific amount of publicly released music or must acquire experience as album producers. The album applied for this Subsidy Programme can be a solo, group or band album. The adjudicating panel will select a maximum of eight eligible applicants based on six criteria: budgeting rationale, degree of perfection of the production proposals and business plans, compatibility between the market positioning and the album songs and album image, level of composition and lyrics, level of arrangement and production as well as performance level of album artist. The subsidy is granted to cover the cost of song production of the subsidised album, cover design, marketing and promotion and production of physical album. The albums must be published by at least two commercial digital music platforms upon completion. The Programme’s information, application rules and forms can be downloaded from the Cultural Affairs Bureau website (www.icm.gov.mo) or from the Macao Cultural and Creative Industries Website (www.macaucci.com). Applicants should submit all required documents to: Cultural Affairs Bureau—Department for the Promotion of Cultural and Creative Industries (No. 567, Av. da Praia Grande, Edif. BNU, 12th floor A-D, Macao) during the specific submission time. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Lao, staff member of IC, through tel. no. (853) 2892 4040 during office hours.