The General Council of Archives of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) held its first meeting in 2017 in the Auditorium of the Cultural Affairs Bureau at Tap Siac Square on 9 June, to discuss the creation of a unit and allocation of human resources for records management in public departments. Mr Leung Hio Ming, President of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, was the acting chairperson of the meeting.
At the meeting, Mr Leung pointed out that records are important evidence for the public departments and services of the MSAR. In view of the increasing number and variety of records, an effective records management would require personnel with professional knowledge. Last year, the General Council of Archives approved the draft of "Retention Schedule for Common Administrative Records” aiming to optimize the records management process in the government. To comply with relevant regulations and to institutionalize records management practices, the Council will gradually formulate records management operating procedures and complementary measures to put records management on track towards higher efficiency and building a comprehensive records management system in the MSAR.
The General Council of Archives then heard a presentation by Ms Maria Fátima Lau from the Archives of Macao on a plan for the creation of a unit and allocation of human resources for records management in public departments, together with some related suggestions for discussion. After an extensive exchange of views and opinions, the Council concluded the meeting with a consensus that the Archives of Macao will consolidate and collate the views collected for further discussion in the next meeting.
The meeting was attended by, Mr Chan Peng Fai, Vice President of the Cultural Affairs Bureau; Mr Wong Weng Chong, Head of Department of Organizational Performance and Operation of the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau; members of the General Council of Archives including Ms Leong In Peng, representative of the Legislative Assembly; Mr Ma Kam Sang, representative of the Finance Services Bureau; Ms Lum Ting Ting, representative of the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau; Mr Chan Chi Ieong, representative of the Judicial Affairs Bureau; and Ms Lau Fong, Director of the Archives of Macao amongst others,.
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