“Where the World Heritage Shines – Photography Exhibition of the Historic Centre of Macao”, jointly organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the Municipality of Guimarães and the Vila Flor Cultural Centre, will be inaugurated on Friday, 23 June 2017, at 6:30pm, at the Vila Flor Palace in Guimarães, Portugal. The exhibition features more than 90 photographs of the world heritage listed Historic Centre of Macao taken by local photographer Chan Hin Io, revealing the beauty and vitality of Macao’s cultural heritage and showing the charm of this small city through various angles.
Chan Hin Io is a senior photographer nationwide and a recognised photographer in Macao. In recent years, he has been devoted to capturing Macao’s customs as well as the city’s landscapes, collecting several photography awards. Among his published works are The Neighbourhood of Macao – Documentary Photographs by Chan Hin Io, Memories of the Old Crafts and Trades in Macao, Life in Macao 2012 – Photographs by Chan Hin Io, the album Where the World Heritage Shines – Photographs of the Historic Centre of Macao and Picturesque Beauty of the Landscape - Aerial Photographs of Macao by Chan Hin Io.
The photography works in this exhibition offer new perspectives of the city’s World Heritage sites, including photographs taken from high altitude and long distance, through different angles and shooting times, which allow the public to get to know the Historic Centre of Macao and the changes it went through through the eyes of Chan Hio Io.
“Where the World Heritage Shines – Photography Exhibition of the Historic Centre of Macao” was held last year in Macao and Zhongshan, in China and this year in Lisbon, Portugal,. It will be open at the Vila Flor Palace in Guimarães from 23 June to 12 August 2017 and from March 2018 in Porto. The exhibition is a manifestation of the friendly cooperation between cultural institutions in Macao and Portugal and an example of the ever-growing Sino-Portuguese cultural exchange.
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