The 18thIEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2017) was inaugurated at Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI) on 13 June. Over 130 scholars from 26 countries/regions and 71 universities and research institutes gathered in Macao to discuss the latest global trends in science and technology. The symposium covers a wide range of technical aspects of wireless communications, the Internet of Things, big data and smart cities. The organiser hopes to demonstrate the development and the strength of science and technology in Macao through this joint symposium in order to enhance the level of scientific research in wireless communications, network and mobile technology, multimedia networks and related areas such as the concept of smart cities.
The WoWMoM 2017 beganat 09:15 on 13 June at Macao Polytechnic Institute. Officiating guests at the opening were Professor Lei Heong Iok (President of Macao Polytechnic Insititute), Professor Sajal K. Das (Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA), Professor Marco Conti (Institute of Informatics and Telematics - CNR, Italy), Dr Yue Gao (Queen Mary University of London, UK), Professor Laurie Cuthbert (MPI-QMUL Information Systems Research Centre, Macao), Professor Xiong Zhang (Beihang University, China), Professor Mario Gerla (Joint Research Center in Ubiquitous Computing & UCLA, USA), Dr Liu Yonghe (University of Texas at Arlington, USA), Dr Rita Tse (Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao), Dr I Chih-Lin (China Mobile Research Institute, China), Professor Zhang Wei (University of New South Wales, Australia) and Professor Salil Kanhere (University of Bologna, Italy).
At the opening ceremony, Professor Lei Heong Iok, President of Macao Polytechnic Institute, stated that with the strong support of the government, Macao is becoming one of the first “smart cities” in the region. Professor Lei expected that many of the latest information technologies, such as the Internet of Things, will soon be implemented and integrated in the city to improve the development of the Special Administrative Region as well as maximize the efficient use of its resources. By hosting this conference in Macao, MPI can provide a platform for experts from around the world to gather and to exchange new findings and technical insights as to how to build a society that is more efficiently connected than ever before.
Dr Gao Yue, General Co-Chair of WoWMoM 2017 and the representative of Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), informed the conference participants that QMUL is one of only 24 Russell Group universities in the United Kingdom, a prestigious and research-intensive network of world-class universities that includes the universities of Oxford and Cambridge in its ranks. QMUL has 7 Nobel Prize winning staff and alumni and was ranked 9th in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) in 2014 among 135 universities in the UK. Dr Gao expressed his great honour at co-chairing the MPI-based WoWMoM 2017 Symposium with Professor Marcus Im. The WoWMoM 2017 attracted 104 submissions from 26 countries, with 21 accepted full papers and seven short papers, constituting an acceptance rate of 27%. Local staff at MPI also arranged a series of exciting social events for the conference participants. Dr Gao would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the organising committee for their support in the past year, making it possible for them to gather at MPI. Dr Rita Tse, representative of Professor Marcus Im who is also the Vice President of MPI and General Co-Chair of WoWMoM 2017, expressed her gratitude towards the organisers for their great support in providing a platform for the exchange of views and ideas on future communications technology for Macao and scholars from all over the world.
As a prominent international conference, this symposium was organised by Macao Polytechnic Institute, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and IEEE Computer Society, the Technical Committee on Computer Communications, Queen Mary University of London, UK,and Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA.This symposium was hosted by the University of Coimbra in Portugal last year. The keynote speakers of this symposium are Dr I Chih-Lin who will deliver a speech on “Feeling the Pulse of 5G” and Professor Petri Mähönen from RWTH Aachen University who will give a speech on “Post 5G: Is This The End of Telecommunications?”
The symposium will last for four days and includes discussions on special topics, as well as workshops, displays and a Doctoral forum. Discussion topics include high efficiency multimedia networks, next-generation networks, wireless network analysis and optimization, context awareness, wearable technology and social networking, localisation and tracking techniques, data analysis and machine learning, mobile data streaming, multimedia systems optimization, resource management and thin provisioning related areas.
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