Anim’Arte NAM VAN is jointly managed by the Macao Government Tourism Office, the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Sports Bureau, and the Institute for Tourism Studies (IFT), under the governance of the Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao S.A.R. Government. Currently six commercial spaces at Anim’Arte NAM VAN will be leased by open tenders. These six commercial spaces are designated for four cultural and creative shops and two catering outlets. The lease period is 48 months and tenders can be submitted from today until 5 p.m. on 13 April 2017 (Thursday).
Anim’Arte NAM VAN, located at the Nam Van Lake Square, Avenida Panorâmica do Lago Nam Van, has been officially open to the public since June, 2016. It features a café, pedal boats, cultural and creative shops, weekend craft market, as well as exhibitions and performances; which provides the public a leisure area with multicultural, tourist and recreational facilities, while enriching the culture of the community. Since its opening, a number of cultural and creative entities have already set up stores there and it has served as a platform of exhibition and sales for more than 180 cultural and creative entities and individuals; as a result, it has attracted a lot of overseas and local visitors.
For parties interested in submitting bids for operating cultural and creative shops at Anim’Arte NAM VAN, copies of the tender invitation documents are available for perusal or obtainment at the Cultural Affairs Bureau Building (located at Tap Siac Square) during office hours. For those interested in submitting bids for operating catering outlets at Anim’Arte NAM VAN, copies of the tender invitation documents are available for perusal or obtainment at the IFT (located at Mong-Há Hill) during office hours, or can be downloaded from the IFT website (www.ift.edu.mo) for free. For enquiries about the content of the tender invitation for cultural and creative shops or catering outlets, please submit a written enquiry to the Cultural Affairs Bureau or IFT respectively before 20 March, 2017.
An introduction session regarding the call for public tenders will be held at 3 p.m. on 9 March (Thursday) at the Confucius Conference Hall, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (Address: Avenida de D. João IV, No. 7-9, 1/F, Macao). A site visit to the commercial spaces will be scheduled after the meeting. Interested parties can contact the Cultural Affairs Bureau at Tel: 8399 6699 or IFT at Tel: 8598 3047 for registration during office hours before 5 p.m. on 8 March (Wednesday).
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