The Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Chan Hoi Fan, said today it was expected the Electoral Affairs Commission for the Legislative Assembly Election would be formed prior to the end of this month.
The Government was currently waiting for the city’s court system to recommend its representative for the Commission, added Ms Chan. Once qualifying candidates were confirmed, the Chief Executive would issue an executive order regarding the formation of the Commission.
Ms Chan disclosed the information to reporters this morning after a committee meeting at the Legislative Assembly building.
To coordinate the work for the Legislative Assembly election, which is to be held later this year, the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau was pressing ahead with preparation work – including promotion of the election – and providing administrative support to the soon to be established Electoral Affairs Commission, she said.
The schedule for a consultation process regarding the formation of a municipal organisation that is not an organ of political power would be delayed, said Ms Chan. This was due to the need to coordinate work for the upcoming Legislative Assembly election,
Setting up such a municipal organisation would involve amendment of the Basic Law. With this in mind, the Government had been seeking advice from relevant ministries and departments of the Central Government.
Ms Chan said establishing such a municipal organisation would eventually affect the composition of the Chief Executive Election Committee. That body would be elected prior to 2019’s Chief Executive Election.
In addition, the Secretary said she noted a complaint – regarding her recommendation of a relative for a post in the Public Prosecutions Office – had been filed with the Commission Against Corruption (CCAC). She would give her full support to any investigation that might be conducted by the CCAC. So far, she had not received notification regarding any such investigation, said Ms Chan.