The opening ceremony for students entering the Master of Public Administration (MPA) programme in 2017 was held at Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI) at 10am on 9th September. The programme is jointly offered by the Chinese Academy of Governance and MPI with the support of the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau of the Macao SAR. Guests attending the ceremony included Professor Zhu Guoren, Director of the Department of Graduate Education of the Chinese Academy of Governance; Mr. Liu Dongsong, Deputy Director of the Training Centre of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao SAR; Professor Lei Heong Iok, President of MPI and Ms. Lo Kin I, Deputy Director of the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau. In their officiating speeches, Professor Zhu, President Lei and Ms. Lo encouraged students to work very hard in their studies and research. They expressed their hopes for students to excel as public administration professionals and contribute their expertise to the Macao SAR. The Master of Public Administration, which was first offered in 2009, aims to cultivate high-calibre, application-oriented public administration professionals who can serve in the Macao SAR government by applying the knowledge and practical experience gained in their studies. This programme also equips students with an understanding of societal developments, allowing them to carry out their administrative duties in compliance with the law. Delivered on a part-time basis to cater for students who are in full-time employment, the Chinese Academy of Governance designs the overall programme scheme, assigns teaching materials and teachers, and also conducts course assessments and evaluations. On the other hand, Macao Polytechnic Institute is responsible for providing classrooms and course management. It also provides assistance related to teaching and evaluation. The Chinese Academy of Governance will award the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree to students who have completed all programme requirements and passed an oral defense. Eight batches of 444 students have begun their studies in the MPA programme, of which 306 have passed their oral defense and obtained a Master’s degree. This year, 40 students have been accepted to this programme.
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