One of the renowned annual events of exhibition and convention industry in Macao, the “Macao International Trade and Investment Fair” (MIF), will be held from 19th to 21st October at The Venetian Macao. Looking back over the past 21 years, the MIF platform has arranged business matching and contract signings for numerous enterprises. Many enterprises think that MIF serves as a platform connecting local and overseas enterprises, and they also believe that organising the “2017 Portuguese-Speaking Countries Products and Services Exhibition (Macao) – 2017 PLPEX” and MIF concurrently will create a better synergistic effect this year, helping local and overseas countries, Portuguese-Speaking Countries in particular, as well as local enterprises to participate in the national policies such as the “One Belt One Road” initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, while seeking opportunities to develop their business markets.
MIF became the first UFI awarded fair in Macao in October 2005, receiving recognition and attention from the international exhibition and convention organisations. Last year, local entrepreneur Mr. Tang successfully linked up and co-operated with a French enterprise through the MIF platform. His company imported French wine and by combining crystal from Portuguese-Speaking Countries and adding the logos of Macao and Paris, these products have already been introduced to Mainland China via Macao, and Mr. Tang is optimistic about the market response. The representative from this French enterprise stated that the MIF platform is highly influential in gathering exhibitors and professional buyers from a diverse array of countries and regions. Through this platform, they can get the first-hand experience of the products from different enterprises and seek business opportunities. In addition, MIF offers access to the gateway to Mainland China, enabling the enterprises to develop themselves extensively in different cities in Mainland China.
Understanding the market trends to enhance business environment
Mr. Lee, a local e-platform caterer, also signed contracts of co-operation with enterprises from Macao and Mainland China through MIF last year. On the one hand, MIF copes with the development of Macao into a smart cityand helps local SMEs to seize this “smart” development and enhance their soft power. While on the other hand, MIF also tries to help local enterprises to “Go Global” via this “smart” development. Mr. Lee further stated that in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of visitors coming to Macao, especially when the Macao SAR Government has been making a huge effort to promote the exhibition and convention industry in order to attract more high-end merchants to the city. He knows that there are quite a number of well-known brands that want to use the MIF platform to get into Macao. Therefore, he can see that business opportunities are everywhere in MIF and so he made the decision to come back again this year. Meanwhile, as MIF is being held concurrently with PLPEX this year, he believes that this will help promote both events and help enterprises “Go Global” by participating in the national policies such as the “One Belt One Road” initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
Mr. Sun, an agent for environmentally friendly construction materials in Portuguese-Speaking Countries, participated in MIF for the first time last year. He was gratified with the result and so he is coming back this year. He expects to develop neighbouring markets such as Singapore and Hong Kong and get in touch with international enterprises via the MIF platform. With MIF being held in conjunction with 2017 PLPEX, he believes that this will create a more effective and synergistic effect.
Mr. Cheng, a representative from the local chamber of commerce, has been participating in MIF since 2012. He agrees that the MIF platform helps enterprises “Go Global” and “Bring in Investments”. Every year, the chamber of commerce invites representatives from enterprises in different provinces and regions in Mainland China to participate in MIF. This is not only an opportunity to demonstrate Macao’s role as a Sino-Portuguese platform, but also a way to help enterprises in China to seek overseas business opportunities. Meanwhile, Mr. Cheng intends to develop markets for tourism finance and electronic payments in MIF this year.
For any enquiries, please call + 853-2882 8711 (22nd MIF) and 853-87989611/87989668 (PLPEX), or browse the websites www.mif.com.mo and www.plpex.mo for more information.
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