The Consumer Council conducted a test on the quality of sports towel, colours of certain samples tend to fade away after testing of colour fastness to pool water. The detailed report can be found in issues 291 Consumer Report; the latest issue also includes a feature of Consumers Association of Singapore’s visit to the Council.
Certain samples show obvious fading of colours
The Consumer Council conducted a test on 10 sports towels to compare their absorbance and speed of dryness, samples are washed using various methods and tested with different kinds of water, including perspiration to check their colour fastness and shrinkage.
The test result shows that the quality of most products are similar, however, certain samples show obvious fading of colours after absorbing pool water, consumers are advised to choose products specially labelled with “for swimming” if they choose to use the towels after swimming. Meanwhile, towels should be washed according to the product label to extend the product life cycle.
Consumers Association of Singapore praises the Council’s work on collecting supermarket prices
The Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) visited the Consumer Council earlier to exchange information and discuss on each other’s accreditation schemes, the “Certified Shop” and “CaseTrust” mechanisms. The Council and CASE both carry out monitoring on shops by accrediting emblems to shops, aiming to separate them from the normal retail shops and help to enhance their image, thus further safeguarding consumer rights.
During their visit, CASE representatives went to local supermarkets with staff of the Council to know more about the supermarket price survey work and inquired about the different apps developed by the Council. CASE representatives agreed that such work help consumers to obtain market information more easily.
The Consumer Council and CASE signed a memorandum of understanding in 2010, both parties agreed to co-operate and carry out exchange, details of the meeting can be found in the current issue of Consumer Report,
Consumer Report is now available free of charge at the Council (Av. Horta e Costa, N.º 26, Edf. Clementina Ho), and the service counter of the Council at Macao SAR Government Service Centre (Rua Nova da Areia Preta, Nº52), Public Information Centre at Vicky Plaza, libraries, and bookstores. Consumers may also access the magazine online on the Council’s official website (http://www.consumer.gov.mo) and WeChat official account.
For enquiry, please call 8988-9315.