Andrew Moody, an associate professor from the University of Macau (UM) Department of English, has been appointed by Cambridge University Press as the editor of the journal English Today for a five-year term with effect from 1 January 2018. Prof Moody will lead the international editorial team of the journal.
English Today is a prestigious peer-reviewed journal devoted to the description of the English language and its many forms and functions as an international language. The established journal is currently in production of its 34th volume, and especially noted for vigorous debates and the active involvement of its global readership, which includes linguists, journalists, broadcasters, and many others. English Today is indexed in the Web of Science as well as all other relevant indices.
Prior to his appointment as the editor, Prof Moody has served as a member of the editorial board of English Today and has contributed to the journal as an author. He is an active researcher in the study of World Englishes and a frequently contributor of scholarly work generally related to sociolinguistics, and particularly related to the role of language in East and Southeast Asia. He is also currently a member of the editorial board of World Englishes and has served as the editor of the ‘Teaching Issues’ section of the Journal of Asia TEFL.