The Social Security Fund (abbreviated to FSS in Macao) recently coordinated with the relevant functional departments on the work of increasing the amount of birth allowance of the social security system, the FSS announced today. The proposal for the increase is being scheduled for discussion by the Standing Committee for the Coordination of Social Affairs, which strives to have the proposal implemented on 1st April.
To promote healthy births and increase the birth rate, the Chief Executive proposed in his 2018 Policy Address that the birth allowance of the social security system will be increased from the current 1,957 patacas to 5,000 patacas, and both eligible parents can receive the allowance. The proposal for the increase is expected to be discussed by the Standing Committee for the Coordination of Social Affairs next month. After the proposal has been passed by the Committee, it will be announced in an Executive Order and it strives to be implemented on 1st April this year.
For more information about the social security system, please visit the website of the Social Security Fund at call 2853 2850 during office hours for enquiries.