The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, today spoke highly of the local Macanese community’s contribution to the development of Macao, saying the community’s culture was one of the elements that made Macao a world centre of tourism and leisure.
In a reception attended by more than 30 representatives of the Macanese community, Mr Chui stated the Government, as always, respected and protected the Macanese culture.
The local Macanese community and Portuguese people living in the city were collectively a crucial element in boosting cultural exchanges between Chinese and Western people and in contributing to Macao’s development, he added.
The Chief Executive shared more thoughts regarding a Government strategy to build a new image of “cultural Macao”, as outlined in the latest Policy Address.
He used Macanese gastronomy to explain the significance of Macanese culture. The cuisine was not only a component of the Creative City of Gastronomy initiative under UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network, but also an element featured on Macao’s list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Mr Chui also affirmed the societal role of the local Macanese community, in particular their involvement in the Government’s effort to cope with the societal challenges presented over time.
He believed the Macanese would continue to take an active role in Macao’s affairs, so contributing to the effort to make Macao a better home for all.
During today’s reception, Mr Chui explained the Government’s administrative vision for 2018. Looking ahead, Macao would make further contributions to national strategies and seize development opportunities arising from other regions, as a route to enhancing Macao’s social well-being while attaining steady economic growth.
Officials attending today’s reception comprised: the Secretary for Transport and Public Works, Mr Raimundo do Rosário; the Director of the Government Information Bureau, Mr Chan Chi Ping; and the Director of the Protocol, Public Relations and External Affairs Office, Ms Lei Ut Mui.