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CE hails young entrepreneurs during Lunar New Year Fair visit

The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, hailed the efforts of local young entrepreneurs as he visited stalls at the Lunar New Year Fair in Tap Seac Square.

During his Monday (12 February) visit, Mr Chui chatted with stallholders to learn about their attitudes toward this particular event, and the nature of the trading environment at the Fair.

Among those the Chief Executive spoke to were stall operators selling Macao-designed cultural and creative products. He encouraged those among them that were university students to take advantage of their presence at the Lunar New Year Fair to gain experience of running a business.

He greeted and shook hands with many of those attending the Fair, extending warm wishes for a successful Year of the Dog ahead.

Mr Chui spent a total of 2,868 patacas on New Year shopping at the Fair, acquiring calligraphy spring couplets, Lunar New Year decorations, and accessories including Year of the Dog motifs, along with some festive flowers.

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