The University of Macau (UM) today (22 March) kicked off the Career and Internship Fair 2018. This year’s fair attracted 110 companies, offering more than 4,000 job vacancies in over 20 industries.
According to UM’s latest Further Studies and Placement Survey, as of November 2017, the employment and further studies rate among bachelor’s degree graduates in the 2016/2017 academic year was 91.3 per cent, with the further studies rate reaching 14.9 per cent. Among the bachelor’s degree graduates who were employed, 90 per cent of them found a job within three months of graduation. Some graduates chose to pursue further education at top universities, including the University of Southern California, Duke University, and Carnegie Mellon University in the United States, McGill University in Canada, the University of Melbourne in Australia, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and the University of Hong Kong. The top three industries where the graduates found employment are education (16.9 per cent), hospitality (11.8 per cent), as well as banking and finance, engineering, and entertainment and gaming (8.9 per cent), with the median monthly income being MOP 15,000, up 4.6 percent from the previous year.
Guests officiated at the opening ceremony included Yonghua Song, rector of UM; Sílvia Ribeiro Osório Ho, deputy director of the Tertiary Education Services Office; Mang Sui Yee, head of the Employment Department of the Labour Affairs Bureau; Paul Pang, dean of students of UM; Chen Xiangdong, president of the General Assembly of UM Postgraduate Association; and Ouyang Mingcong, director general of the UM Students’ Union. In his speech, Rector Song said that UM will continue to pursue excellence, increase teaching quality, and develop itself in line with the Macao SAR government’s policies to nurture outstanding professionals for the local community. He also encouraged graduating students to carefully make plans for their lives and careers and choose the right path that will allow them to put their knowledge into practice.
The annual fair aims to provide a platform for graduating students to find jobs and for second-year and third-year students to find internships. During the event, exhibiting companies will conduct onsite job interviews for applicants. UM will also hold recruitment talks during the period.
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