The University of Macau’s (UM) Student Activity Centre (E31) recently received China’s Three-Star Green Building Operation Label, which is the highest-standard green building label awarded by the China Green Building Council. UM is the first building in Macao to receive this rating. The building also received China’s Three-Star Green Building Design Label in 2015.
The certificate presentation ceremony was held today (13 April) at the Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum and Exhibition. During the ceremony, UM Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) Lionel Ni received the certificate from China Green Building Council Director Wang Youwei.
In his speech, Prof Ni said that UM upholds the idea of green living and sustainable development by following five principles in the design of its campus, which include (1) the use of Lingnan architectural style and garden-style layout; (2) a mix of Lingnan style and South European style; (3) implementing a green transport infrastructure; (4) rainwater collection and reuse, and (5) increasing greening areas on the campus.
UM’s receiving the Three-Star Green Building label shows that the university remains strongly committed to achieving the three goals of sustainable development, namely making full uses of available resources, producing the least amount pollution, and allowing buildings to coexist with nature.
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