The “Green Forum” of the 2018 Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition (2018MIECF) hosted today the “Pan-Pearl River Delta Region Session” (“PPRD Session”). Mr. Jiang Xiaoting, the President of Sichuan Provincial Environmental Science Association, was the invited speaker for the session, and shared his ideas on environmental management and new environmentally-friendly technologybased on insights gained from his recent involvement in a visit to Portugal and Germany organised by the Macao SAR Government, and involving a delegation representing the “9+2” members of the PPRD Region. He stated that the Mainland could learn from those two European countries in various ways, and the three places could collaborate with each other, in a bid to promote the development of environmental protection in China.
The “PPRD Session” of the “Green Forum” was hosted this afternoon. Representatives from the PPRD provinces and regions attended the event.During his speech, Mr. Jiang recalled that in March, the Macao SAR Government organised a business delegation made up of representatives of the “9+2” members of the PPRD Region to Portugal and Germany. During the eight-day trip, visits and business-matching activities were organised. The delegation focused on exchange of experiences on matters concerning air, water and soil pollution, waste disposal and other environmental issues.
According to Mr. Jiang, Germany had very stringent requirements interms oftreatment of solid waste, by applying a series of laws and regulations and promoting community involvement. There was also clear legislation on land-usepatterns, supported via the adoption of long-term and stringent management to reduce harm to soils.
Thanks to this visit, representatives of the PPRD Region had built links with local private enterprises, and learned about the investment of Chinese firms in the two countries. Mr. Jiang pointed out that environmental protection laws in both European countries were comparativelywell established and both of the places focused on promoting public environmental awareness, while additionally practices such as waste sorting and “green travel” were encouraged. Sustainable development plans and policies had been established in those countries, and had resulted in positive outcomes and experiences.
The second part of today’s “PPRD Session” was titled “Introduction of PPRD Region/Europe Environmental Protection Industry”, in which representatives of the China Association of Environmental Protection Industry, Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Department and Jiangxi Provincial Environmental Protection Industry Association outlined the needs of the environmental sector; with experts from Portugal and the Netherlands also sharing information on environmental technologies. In this way, cross-regional cooperation was enhanced by multilateral communication and by creation of opportunities for cooperation in matters of environmental protection.
The “PPRD Environmental Protection Industry Association Panel Sessions” – co-organised with the PPRD Environmental Protection Industry Co-operation Commission – was the third part of the “PPRD Session”. The chairmen, presidents and secretaries general of a number of environmental protection associations in the PPRD Region attended the panel discussion, and shared information on relevant technologies and on case studies of urban water management, explored topics on municipal waste management and practices, and outlined key environmentalgains achieved and advanced management techniques acquired, so as to further advance the environmental sector’s cooperation and development in the PPRD Region.
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