The Identification Services Bureau has been confirmed by the relevant authorities of the following travel facilitation for holders of the Macao SAR Passport:
Holders of Macao SAR Passport visiting the Plurinational State of Bolivia can apply for a visa upon arrival for a maximum stay of 90 days. For details, please visit the following website: www.embolchina.cn/index.php/Home/Index/content/id/324.
Moreover, holders of Macao SAR Passport who intend to visit the Kyrgyz Republic can apply for an electronic visa before departure. Details of the electronic visa can be found on the following website: www.evisa.e-gov.kg.
At present, a total of 137 countries or territories have agreed to grant visa-free access or visa-on-arrival to the Macao SAR Passport holders. Besides, 17 countries have confirmed that the Macao SAR Passport holders can apply for e-visa or apply for visa online. For further details, please visit the website of the Identification Services Bureau: www.dsi.gov.mo/download/visa_free_list_e.pdf and www.dsi.gov.mo/download/E_visa_e.pdf.