The Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On, today made an inspection of the Macao boundary crossing area of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao (HKZM) Bridge, to assess the progress made regarding the preparations for its operation.
The Government's principal officials, the Public Prosecutor-General, members of the Executive Council and the Chief-of-Office of the Chief Executive’s Office, Ms O Lam, also accompanied the Chief Executive on the visit.
While at the customs clearance building, Mr Chui received a briefing regarding the overall planning and layout of the Macao boundary crossing area, including inbound and outbound immigration procedures. The information was presented by the acting Director of the Infrastructure Development Office, Mr Luís Madeira de Carvalho.
Later, Mr Chui listened to a briefing, presented by the Director of the Transport Bureau, Mr Lam Hin San, regarding transport arrangements between the Macao boundary crossing area and Macao peninsula, as well as transport services between the Macao boundary crossing area and Hong Kong and Zhuhai respectively.
During today’s visit, the Chief Executive and Government officials inspected various facilities at the Macao boundary crossing area, including: the immigration arrival and departure hall; the customs and quarantine area; the arrival inspection hall; and the terminal for shuttle bus services. The officials then listened to a briefing on the facilities on the Macao boundary crossing area before taking a ride around the area.
During today’s briefing sessions, the inspecting group paid close attention to information regarding immigration procedures for residents and visitors, and measures designed to create convenient access for travellers. Topics also discussed during the inspection included the boundary crossing flow model being utilised, the space reserved for possible future expansion of such facilities, and the ventilation system employed at the boundary crossing area.
The boundary crossing area serving Macao covers 71.6 hectares and has structures with a total gross floor area of 600,000 square metres. There is a building for customs clearance, two public car parks and municipal facilities, along with infrastructure such as a road network, tunnels, flyovers, railway platforms and facilities for public security services.
Government officials joining today’s visit were: the Secretary for Administration and Justice Ms Chan Hoi Fan; the Secretary for Economy and Finance Mr Leong Vai Tac; the Secretary for Security Mr Wong Sio Chak; the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Mr Tam Chon Weng; the Secretary for Transport and Public Works Mr Raimundo Arrais do Rosario; the Commissioner Against Corruption Mr Cheong Weng Chon; the Commissioner of Audit Mr Ho Veng On; the Commissioner-General of the Unitary Police Service Mr Ma Io Kun; the Director-General of the Macao Customs Service Mr Vong Iao Lek; and the Public Prosecutor-General Mr Ip Son Sang.
Members of the Executive Council taking part in the visit were: Mr Leong Heng Teng; Mr Liu Chak Wan; Mr Ma Iao Lai; Mr Leonel Alberto Alves; Mr Cheang Chi Keong; Ms Ho Sut Heng; Mr Wong Yue Kai; Mr Lam Kam Seng and Mr Chan Chak Mo.
As approved by the State Council, Macao’s jurisdictional role regarding the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge boundary crossing area serving Macao became effective after the stroke of midnight on 15 March 2018. As such the control point is now governed by Macao laws.
Since the Government took possession of the facilities, Government departments have been installing necessary equipment, and have been performing testing and trial runs of the boundary crossing area’s facilities, in order to prepare for the launch of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.
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