Macao and Thailand’s Phuket Province today agreed to the establishment of a twinning arrangement aiming to promote cooperation and mutual development.
A memorandum of understanding on the matter was signed today in Thailand’s capital Bangkok, during a visit of a SAR Government delegation to the Southeast Asian country, led by the Chief Executive, Mr Chui Sai On.
The document aims to advance cooperation between Macao and Phuket in various aspects, while encouraging more frequent exchanges between government officials and relevant public departments from both places.
The “Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of Friendship City between the Phuket Province of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China” was signed by the Director of the Protocol, Public Relations and External Affairs Office of the Macao SAR, Ms Lei Ut Mui, and the Governor of Phuket Province, Mr Norrapat Plodthong.
The Chief Executive and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand, Mr Don Pramudwinai, witnessed the signing ceremony, after which they held a joint press conference.
Mr Chui said in the conference that there were bright prospects for cooperation between Macao and Thailand, adding that the two sides should combine their strengths in order to promote the development of the “Belt and Road” initiative.
Thailand along with other Southeast Asian countries were key partners for Macao in helping the city to push forward its contributions to the “Belt and Road” initiative, he stated.
Macao was committed to expanding cooperation with Thailand, particularly in fields such as education, traditional medicine, and exchanges with Portuguese-speaking countries, Mr Chui said.
The Macao Foundation had already established a scholarship scheme for young people in countries and areas covered by the “Belt and Road” initiative to further their studies in Macao.
Mr Chui said he looked forward to closer ties between Macao and Thailand following, respectively: today’s memorandum signing ceremony; the hosting tomorrow (10 May) in Bangkok of the 2018 Traditional Medicine International Development Forum (Thailand); and a photo exhibition on Macao’s implementation of the “One country, two systems” principle and on Macao’s participation in the “Belt and Road” initiative.
Speaking to reporters, Mr Pramudwinai stated Thailand could assist Macao in exploring new markets in some of the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, such as Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. He said Macao could play an important role as a gateway for Thailand to access markets in southern China.
The Minister said he hoped there would be a greater number of investments in Thailand from Macao, via the country’s Eastern Economic Corridor Development Plan.
Prior to today’s signing ceremony, Mr Chui attended a working luncheon hosted by Mr Pramudwinai, to discuss how to strengthen cooperation and grasp the opportunities created under the “Belt and Road” initiative.
Mr Chui and a Government delegation arrived in Bangkok today, after visiting Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Macao officials attending the working luncheon included: the Secretary for Administration and Justice, Ms Chan Hoi Fan; the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture, Mr Tam Chon Weng; members of the Executive Council Mr Liu Chak Wan, Mr Ma Iao Lai, Mr Leonel Alberto Alves, Mr Cheang Chi Keong, Mr Chan Meng Kam, Ms Ho Sut Heng, Mr Wong Yue Kai, Mr Lam Kam Seng and Mr Chan Chak Mo; the Chief-of-Office of the Chief Executive’s Office, Ms O Lam; the Director of the Government Information Bureau, Mr Chan Chi Ping; and the Director of the Protocol, Public Relations and External Affairs Office, Ms Lei Ut Mui.
Officials representing the Thailand government in the working luncheon included: the Minister of Digital Economy and Society, Mr Pichet Durongkaveroj; the Director-General of the Department of East Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Pitchayaphant Charnbhumidol; and the Director-General of the Department of Treaties and Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Chirdchu Raktabutr.
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