The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will present various distinctive weekend concerts to enrich the public’s cultural and artistic lives, including the family concert “Children’s Day Concert – The Symphonic Magical Fairyland”, to be held on 2 June, at 2:30pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium; the “Weekend Music Party – World Cup Cheers”, to be held on 16 June, at 4pm, at the Dom Pedro V Theatre; and the concert “Heroes: A Video Game Symphony”, which is popular worldwide and premiered in Asia, to be held on 30 June, at 8pm, at The Venetian Theatre, with the concert venue supported by The Venetian Macao. Tickets for the three concerts are now available at the Macau Ticketing Network and music lovers are advised to purchase tickets as soon as possible.
To celebrate the Children’s Day 2018, and in a creative collaboration with the Big Mouse Kids Drama Group, the OM presents the family concert “Children’s Day Concert – The Symphonic Magical Fairyland”, combining well-known classical music and interesting stories. The combination of music, dance and theatre aims to motivate the children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for classical music, while the spontaneous interactions in the performance will encourage the audience to experience the joy of music from the story and enjoy the happy family time.
On the occasion of the FIFA World Cup 2018, which will kick off on 14 June, the OM will present an energetic and exciting concert “Weekend Music Party – World Cup Cheers”, featuring a number of classical music with FIFA World Cup official themes such as The Final Countdown by the rock band Europe and La La La, the popular song in the last World Cup in Brazil, allowing the audience to relive those exciting moments as if on the pitch.
In 2016, the OM held a symphonic concert dedicated to video games soundtracks, which was very well received by video game enthusiasts. This year, under the baton of the Principal Conductor and Artistic Director of the Perth Symphony Orchestra, Jessica Gethin, the OM will once again present video games symphonic pieces popular worldwide, such as the nominated for the Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media in the 55th Grammy Awards, Journey; as well as Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Metal Gear Solid IV, God of War, and among others. In this performance, images from the games will be synchronously projected on screen under customized lighting effects, bringing the audience into the game world.
Tickets for the concerts are availabe on sale at the Macau Ticketing Network. Tickets for the concert “Children’s Day Concert – The Symphonic Magical Fairyland” are priced at MOP250, MOP200 and MOP150. Tickets for the concert “Weekend Music Party – World Cup Cheers” are priced at MOP120 and MOP100. Tickets for the concert “Heroes: A Video Game Symphony” are priced at MOP300 (A Reserve), MOP200 (B Reserve) and MOP100 (C Reserve), and are also on sale through the Cotai Ticketing website at www.cotaiticketing.com. A 30% discount is exclusively offered to OM Friends, with various discount packages available. For details and enquiries about the programme, please contact OM through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours or visit OM’s webpage at www.icm.gov.mo/om.