Eight undergraduate students from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau (UM), recently received scholarships and awards from the Rohde & Schwarz Hong Kong Limited; Sociedade de Investimento e Desenvolvimento Predial Parry (Grupo) Limitada; Synopsys Macau Limited; and IEEE Macau Power and Energy Power Electronics Joint Chapter, for their outstanding academic performance.
At the award ceremony, Prof Wong Man Chung, head of the ECE, said that the department has been working closely with local and international companies in various areas of electrical and computer engineering, including power, telecommunications, and automation, since its establishment in 1998, with an aim to provide internship opportunities for students and help them gain practical and research experience. Prof Wong added that the scholarships and awards are very encouraging and show recognition of the teaching quality of the ECE.
The recipients of the Rohde and Schwarz Wireless Communications Scholarship are fourth–year students Kuan Wai Son and Zhong Zhaoting. The recipients of Sociedade de Investimento e Desenvolvimento Predial Parry (Grupo) Limitada Scholarship are first-year student Ieong Chi Fong; second-year student Iao Hou Wang, and third-year student Sou Wai Kit. The recipients of the Synopsys Microelectronics Prize are fourth-year students Lo Kit Chon and Mario Jose Leon Lao. The recipient of the IEEE Macau Power and Energy Power Electronics Joint Chapter Award is fourth-year student Chao Chi Wa.