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IFT brings in entrepreneurs to share experience of entrepreneurship

CINCHstudio Spacial Design and Signum (Mr. Clement Cheng) giving feedback to student

The Institute for Tourism Studies have integrated entrepreneurship course since 2015 in its entire bachelor degree programmes, namely Culinary Arts Management, Heritage Management, Hotel Management, Tourism Business Management, Tourism Event Management and Tourism Retail and Marketing Management. This fits the agenda set by our government to stimulate the diversification of our local economy as well as stimulate innovation via entrepreneurship.

The course leader Dr. Fernando Lourenço developed this course aiming to expand the career perspectives of students and motivate them towards entrepreneurship via hands-on activities as well as inviting a wide range of entrepreneurs to share their experience with students during the course. We would like to thank the following guest speakers and companies who contributed to our course this term:

Le Bistro Marcellinho (Roberto Souza ), ANIFA (Alvin Fong​ and Simon Kuong)​, Grow uP eSports​ (Frederico Alexandre Dos Santos Rosario), The Industry and Commerce Association of Macau, Macao Economic Bureau, Lord Stow's Bakery (Audrey Stow​), CINCHstudio Spacial Design​ and Signum​ ( Clement Cheng​), 我烤燒烤盛宴​, Macau Economic Bureau, Chi Iao Vong​ (Young Living - Essential Oils), Ceci Lam​ (Pilates House Macau).

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