The Macao Orchestra (OM, in the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the family concert “Jason’s A to Z of Classical Music” on Saturday, 7 July, at 3pm, at the Macao Tower Auditorium. Remarkable new generation conductor Jason Lai will guide the young audience in learning more about music by telling stories from A to Z with lively explanations. The concert will be presented in English and is suitable for children aged three or above. Tickets for the concert are now available at the Macau Ticketing Network.
The concert “Jason’s A to Z of Classical Music”, with a programme arranged by the conductor himself, has been staged in Singapore and was well received by children and parents. In this concert, Jason Lai will explain to children how the letters A to Z can be applied to music by skilfully connecting a series of well-known classical masterpieces such as Greensleeves by Vaughan Williams and the waltzfromTchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty in order to give children a better understanding of classical music. In addition, renowned soprano and Director of the School of Music of the Macao Conservatory, Liu Mingyan, was invited to perform O Mio Babbino, an aria of one of Puccini’s operas, making the concert even more educational. Owing to the remarkable melodies and to conductor Jason Lai’s lively performance, the concert is an ideal event for children and parents to fully enjoy the weekend.
Tickets for the concert “Jason’s A to Z of Classical Music” are priced at MOP120. Holders of a valid full-time Student Card can enjoy a 50% discount, with various discount packages available. Ticketing hotline: (853) 2855 5555. For details and enquiries about the programme, please visit the OM website at www.icm.gov.mo/om.
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